

  • Steve
  • None
  • Bury St Edmunds
  • 01284652980
  • 1883
  • If you have no August ECF or FIDE rating, we need to know the source of the rating entered above. We may amend the figure if appropriate. If you've supplied an estimate, we'll want to know what it's based upon. Please give details of recent tournaments or other matches played. We can use rating from online chess sites as a guide, so please include your username here (or for, below). Feel free to get in touch for advice.

  • Major (u1900)
  • None
  • 014891
  • Gold
  • I have read and accept the tournament rules
Steve Lovell

Steve has been the organiser of the Bury St Edmunds Chess Congress since the 2015 event. He also helps run the Bury St Edmunds Chess Club and is Internet Officer for the Bury Area Chess League. Outside of chess, if there is such a thing, Steve works in IT at Greene King.

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